Celebrating 10 years of OSF and J-Rod

Old School Farm recently celebrated its 10 year anniversary during last month's "Getting Down on the Farm" fundraising event. Also celebrating 10 years of service is the beloved mission farmer, Jared "J-Rod" McIntosh. We asked J-Rod a few questions to reflect on his many years at Old School and to celebrate the community he's built around the farm. 

OSF: So J-Rod, you've been working here for 10 years. 

J-Rod: Yeah. 

OSF: How's it feel to be the longest-working employee at Old School Farm? 

J-Rod: Good. It's good. 

OSF: Do you feel like you've learned a lot over the last 10 years? 

J-Rod: Yeah. 

OSF: What's your specialty?

J-Rod: Talking to people that I love. 

OSF: I would agree that's your specialty, because everyone here is obsessed with you. Is that also your favorite thing about working here? All the people? 

J-Rod: Yeah. 

OSF: Tell us about your friends at Juniper Green. 

J-Rod: Gabby and Blount. But they are very busy. 

OSF: They are pretty busy, but what did Blount make you for your birthday? 

J-Rod: Cheeseburgers. 

OSF: Special smashburgers! They were delicious. And Nico made you a big brownie cake. 

J-Rod: Yes. 

OSF: How did you celebrate your 10 years of working at the farm? 

J-Rod: Talked at the event. Said, "Peace," and "I love everyone." 

OSF: Did you receive anything as an anniversary gift? 

J-Rod: Yeah. Two t-shirts (customized jerseys because J-Rod loves wearing jerseys to work at the farm) and a mushroom (solar light). 

OSF: What's your favorite thing to do when you come out to Old School? 

J-Rod: Say "Hey Ray!"  And help. Seeing if Gabby needs help. Or John needs help. 

OSF: You jump in and help everybody, don't you? 

J-Rod: Yeah. 

OSF: Your favorite thing to grow is...

J-Rod: Cucumbers! I want all of them. 

OSF: All the cucumbers! But that's the main vegetable you like, right? 

J-Rod: Yeah. 

OSF: So, summer's an important time for J-Rod to get in all his vegetables. :) Do you plan to keep coming out to Old School for as long as you can? 

J-Rod: Yeah. 

OSF: You don't have any plans to leave us anytime soon, right? 

J-Rod: No. 

OSF: Who's your favorite basketball team? 

J-Rod: Everyone who wins. 

OSF: What about hockey? 

J-Rod: New Jersey. 

OSF: Devils, right? 

J-Rod: Yeah. 

OSF: Is hockey your favorite sport? 

J-Rod: Yeah. I like the fights. 

OSF: What's your favorite color?

J-Rod: (Points to peonies in front of farm office) Pink roses. Right there. 

OSF: The pink on the peonies? 

J-Rod: Yeah. I love pink. 

We want to thank J-Rod for taking time to share about his love of Old School Farm and all the people who work out on the campus. He's such an important member of our community, and Old School would not be the same without him.

Thanks for dedicating 10 years of service to OSF, J-Rod, and we look forward to sharing the next 10 with you as well! 


Meet Our Newest Mission Farmer, Doc!