Meet Our Newest Mission Farmer, Doc!

Old School Farm is excited to welcome our newest Mission Farmer to the team, Drewcydox "Doc" Armando Basil Vasquez. 

Doc started volunteering with the farm crew in early May. Since then, he has played a major role in helping us grow, harvest and donate fresh produce and flowers to our local food program partners. He shows up for every shift ready to work with an infectious smile that keeps the crew in high spirits. Doc was officially hired on at the beginning of July, and we're delighted to keep working with him as he grows in his knowledge of regenerative farming. 

Doc's family has also shown huge support for both Doc's employment and Old School Farm. His mother, Leslie, stepfather, Brian, and youngest brother, Ollie, regularly bring Doc to his shift and volunteer with the crew. They've also participated in two of our Preservation Education classes in which they learned about pickling vs. fermentation and used indigo leaves and flowers to naturally dye bandannas. 

Among Doc's many talents include his keen eye for finding treasures in the field. He collects unique rocks and fossils he uncovers while weeding the garden and often draws attention to the beautiful pollinators that visit the field. In July, he discovered a turtle hiding in the tomato patch, and we were able to safely relocate it to another part of the farm. He's also excellent at cutting flowers and arranging bouquets donated to The Store. 

We're thrilled that Doc has decided to work as a Mission Farmer with Old School Farm, and we look forward to celebrating many milestones with him in the years to come! 


Celebrating 10 years of OSF and J-Rod